Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services


St. John Paul II explained “人类,独立于他们生活的条件或什么 他们能够表达,从一开始就具有独特的尊严和特殊的价值 beginning of their life until the moment of natural death.” But the recognition of the dignity of each person cannot remain simply a slogan. “People with disabilities,” 例如,“必须使他们能够尽可能地参与社会生活,并且…… 帮助他们发挥身体、心理和精神上的潜能.” Efforts 此外,要帮助残疾人,必须考虑到个人的需要. “Indeed, 正义要求我们对他人的生命给予持续的关爱和回应 考虑到每个人的特殊和不同需求 his or her abilities and limitations.”

Requesting Accommodations

为了方便残疾学生参与生活 并根据大学政策和州及联邦法规, 大学为学生提供合理的住宿条件 残疾人士有意义地享受大学提供的福利.

Step 1要求住宿的学生应通过我们的网站提交申请 Accommodation Request Form, which will forward their request to the Student Disability Services Coordinator. 任何有问题或担心的人,或者想要帮助的人, the Accommodation Request Form should contact the Student Disability Services Coordinator.

Inelda Acosta Ed.D., pHCLE
Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Direct: 972-721-5056 I Facsimile: 972-265-5712
Haggar Student Center, First Floor 253
1845 E. Northgate Dr.
Irving, TX 75062

Step 2: Requests for accommodation should be supported by appropriate supporting documentation. The Student Disability Services Committee has developed guidelines and verification forms 对于一些特殊的残疾和住宿要求,以帮助学生 to gather the required documentation. The supporting documentation should be submitted to the Student Disability Services Coordinator, who will refer the request and documentation to the Student Disability Services Committee.

Step 3一旦提交,SDS委员会将审查请求,以确定学生是否 在适用的法律和政策下是否有合格条件,如果有,合理的条件是什么 accommodations should be authorized. The Student Disability Services 协调员将通知学生委员会的决定,并提供学生 with a letter authorizing the student to use the accommodations.

有关住宿审查过程的其他信息可在 the Accommodation Procedures.

Disability Accommodations in High School and College

虽然《云顶集团》和第504节适用于高中和大学水平,但它们 do not apply in exactly the same manner. The United States Department of Education 为学生提供了一个有用的指南,解释了一些重要的区别 残疾人住宿在高中和大学环境中的应用方式. That guide is available online: 残疾学生准备接受高等教育

Disability Accommodations for Non-Students

如果你是来云顶集团寻求残疾人住宿的游客, you can find more information at Accessibility Services. If you are an employee of the University, please contact Human Resources.

Requesting Use of the Testing Center

被授予考试住宿而需要监考的学生 是否应该通过我们的在线监考提交他们的特定测试请求 Proctor Request Form

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information, please see our frequently asked questions.

Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited

作为履行其对残疾学生尊严承诺的一部分, 根据适用的法律,云顶集团并没有违法 在申请及录取过程中歧视残疾人士; educational programs and activities, or university facilities. The University takes 采取积极措施防止此类行为,并立即进行调查和采取补救措施 action when appropriate. The University also prohibits and takes actions to prevent 对举报或投诉残疾歧视的个人进行报复 或骚扰,参与调查,或反对任何形式的残疾歧视 or harassment.

任何认为自己经历过或目睹过歧视的学生 或骚扰,或未能在大学提供合理的住宿 of Dallas should notify:

Inelda Acosta Ed.D., pHCLE
Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Direct: 972-721-5056 I Facsimile: 972-265-5712
Haggar Student Center, First Floor 253
1845 E. Northgate Dr.
Irving, TX 75062

局长协助非正式解决投诉或指导投诉人 提交给适当的个人或程序以解决投诉. Complaints may also be submitted anonymously using the online reporting form posted at 或免费致电大学合规举报热线 (888) 317-8072.