


Use of illegal drugs and misuse of prescription drugs can have social, academic, psychological, 身体、经济和法律后果. Combining drugs and/or using them with alcohol can be extremely dangerous. Information below references specific drugs or drug categories, but is not intended as a comprehensive listing of drugs and their associated health risks.

酒精 - 酒精 abuse is a progressive disorder in which physical dependency can develop. Risks include injury or 死亡 as a result of accident or violence, impaired vision, impaired motor coordination, memory defects, hallucinations, blackouts, and seizures. Long-term use can result in permanent damage to the brain, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, risk of stroke, heart failure, respiratory depression and failure, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung abscesses, increased risk of mouth and throat cancer, alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, duodenal ulcers, reflux, diarrhea, impaired judgment and verbal ability, apathy, introversion, antisocial behavior, inability to concentrate, and deterioration of relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. 酒精对孕妇来说是一种特别危险的药物. 怀孕期间饮酒 raises the risk of low-birth weight babies and intrauterine growth retardation, increasing the danger of infection, feeding difficulties, and long-term developmental problems.

大麻 – Risks of marijuana use include impaired perception, diminished short-term memory, loss of concentration and coordination, impaired judgment, increased risk of accidents, loss of motivation, diminished inhibitions, risk of AIDS and other STDs, increased heart rate, anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia, hallucinations, damage to the respiratory, 生殖和免疫系统,以及癌症风险的增加.

Combining marijuana and other drugs, including alcohol and prescription drugs, can cause unwanted reactions and/or increase the impact of both substances. 大麻 大麻的成瘾性和耐受性是否迅速发展. 物理和 psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana include irritability, restlessness, 失眠、恶心和强烈的梦境. 依赖的警告信号是:更频繁 use; needing more and more to get the same effect; spending time thinking about using marijuana; spending more money than you have on it; missing class or failing to finish assignments because of marijuana; making new friends who do it and neglecting old friends who don't; finding it's hard to be happy without it.

迷幻剂 - This category includes phencyclidine (PCP or "angel dust"), ecstasy and other amphetamine 具有改变思维效果的变体. 知觉和认知受损 肌肉协调能力下降. 说话结结巴巴,语无伦次. 长期服用者 PCP may have memory problems and speech difficulties lasting 6 months to a year after 长时间的日常使用. 抑郁、焦虑和暴力行为也会发生. 高的心理 对药物的依赖可能导致服用大剂量的PCP. 大剂量产生 抽搐,昏迷,心肺衰竭.

可卡因 - Cocaine prompts the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and movement, and inhibits the reabsorption of it, over stimulating the brain. 用户 report feelings of euphoria, hyper-stimulation, confidence, and alertness. 可卡因的 pleasurable effects begin to wear off quickly leading to withdrawal symptoms including irritability, anxiety, restlessness, physical pain, insomnia, depression, paranoia, 或侵略. Cocaine is extremely addictive and is considered one of the most powerful 加强药物. Cocaine raises blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration increasing the risk of respiratory arrest, stroke, seizures, heart attacks, and 死亡.

兴奋剂 - Amphetamines and other stimulants include ecstasy and "meth," as well as prescription 比如阿得拉和利他林. 产生的生理效应是心跳加快 and respiratory rates, increased blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite. 出汗, headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, and anxiety may also result from use. 高剂量 can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of motor skills and even physical 崩溃. Long-term use of higher doses can produce amphetamine psychosis which includes 幻觉、妄想和偏执. 处方兴奋剂,被称为“学院派” steroids," are used by some college students in an attempt to enhance their academic 表演. 这些药物 are often prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD, and should be used 只能遵医嘱并在持续的医疗监督下使用. 这违反了联邦法律 to use these medications without an authorized prescription from a physician. 学生 who share or sell their prescription drugs are abusing a medical privilege, breaking 如果被抓,将面临严厉的处罚.

镇静剂 - Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are two of the most commonly prescribed groups 抗抑郁药物. Barbiturates include Phenobarbital, Seconal and Amytal; benzodiazepines include Ativan, Dalmane, Librium, Xanax, Valium, Halcion and Restoril. 这些药物 是否用于医疗目的,以缓解焦虑和诱导睡眠. 物理和 psychological dependence can occur if the drugs are used for longer periods of time 或者服用高于处方剂量的药物. 使用苯二氮卓类药物会导致言语不清,定向障碍, 缺乏协调. 如果与酒精一起服用,会导致昏迷并可能 死亡.

毒品 - Narcotics include heroin, methadone, morphine, codeine, OxyContin, Vicodin, Fentanyl 和鸦片. 止咳糖浆中的右美沙芬与此密切相关. 在最初的感觉之后 对于欣快感,使用麻醉剂会引起嗜睡、恶心和呕吐. 药物过量的影响 include slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma and possible 死亡. 物理和 psychological dependence is high, and withdrawal symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, abdominal cramps 还有腹泻、恶心、发冷和出汗. 使用受污染的注射器/针头 inject drugs may result in serious blood borne infections such as HIV-AIDS and hepatitis. This family of drugs is the most frequent cause of drug-associated 死亡 from suppression 大脑,心脏和肺的生命支持功能.