Said Bakkar Ph.D.



Phone: (972) 721-5372



Dr. Said Bakkar's research in physics focused on measurement of the magnetic material properties, design and synthesize new magnetic materials called Heusler compounds 用于自旋电子应用. 他对设计材料的兴趣吸引他去完成 his education in the materials science and engineering at University of North Texas (UNT). 他获得了博士学位。.D. 于2021年获得南京理工大学多孔陶瓷研究学位 结构采用冷冻铸造. 

He joined 云顶集团 as a postdoctoral teaching fellow at physics department to work with Dr. Flanagan, Dr. Moldenhauer, Dr. 斯坦米勒,并与之合作 Cerium lab on a silicon nitride seal for thermal barrier coating in gas turbines for 由空军资助的延长发动机寿命的项目. 该项目始于2020年 Cerium Labs was reporting the results of its STTR “Phase I” funding. Cerium lab group 与首席科学家. 蒂姆·侯赛因探索了一种获得专利的氮化硅密封 which can protect the TBC, allowing increased engine performance and decreased maintenance 重置成本. Dr. Bakkar最初是一名博士后,也是主要研究员 at UD in Phase II with this group with the authority for using this patent to continue pursuing this technique on larger and more realistic TBC samples. 他的研究重点 on sealed the topcoat of the TBCs to prevent the CMAS attack at high temperature by depositing a sacrificial layer of Si3N4 using chemical vapor deposition CVD technique. Currently, he works on the CMAS attack test and characterizes the TBCs samples before 经过CMAS测试,在UD用SEM, XRD和TEM在Cerium实验室.

Ph.D. In Materials Science and Engineering, The University of North Texas Denton  
M.S. 物理学,南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校
M.S.  物理学,约旦Al Al - bayt大学
B.S. 约旦耶尔穆克大学物理系  

Professional Experience: Postdoctoral Fellow, UD Irving, 2021-2022 Areas of Expertise: Materials Science, Thermal Barrier coatings, High impact resistance materials, and 固体物理学

Recent Courses
Fluid Mechanics


My interest always lies in designing and characterizing materials in physics and materials 科学与工程领域. 一开始,我关注的是测量 the magnetic material properties, design, and synthesis of new magnetic materials 称为自旋电子学应用的赫斯勒化合物. 我热爱研究和改进 my characterization skills in materials guided me to investigate the porous ceramic 在我的博士学位.D. journey.  设计与制作 of porous ceramic materials with anisotropic properties has, in recent years, gained popularity due to their potential application in various areas that include medical, 能源、国防、空间和航空航天. 冷冻铸造是一种有效的、低成本的、而且 safe method as a wet shaping technique to create these structures. 他致力于设计 metal matrix composites MMCs by creating highly aligned porous ceramic structures using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting and infiltrate the porous ceramic preform 熔化的金属. This research was supported by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and he succeeded in designing lightweight and high impact resistance materials by 设计Al/Al2O3 mmc. 作为他在UNT研究的一部分,他设计了一个模型来缓解 the Ca-Mg-Al-Si oxides (CMAS) attack on thermal barrier coatings (TBC) which is used in the blades of Jet engines and gas turbine engines using modification the surface 采用激光处理TBC面漆. 最近,我和我在特拉华大学的团队合作 和Cerium实验室合作了两个项目. (一)用于热障涂层的氮化硅密封 用于延长发动机寿命的燃气轮机. (II) . Silicon Nitride Protective Coatings for Accident Tolerant Fuels, ATF) funded by DOE. The project goal was to protect the oxidation of the surface of the Zircaloy cladding and prevent the 用热蒸汽形成氢气. 我一直在练习我最喜欢的工作 the year and a half I spent at UD, which is teaching and doing research at the same time. Interacting with students in classrooms and labs always gives me the energy 以及学习和教学的动力.

  1. Bakkar, Said, Elora Zucha, Joseph Beam, Will H. 弗拉纳根,萨蒂什·迪克西特和蒂姆·Z. Hossain. "A new approach to protect and extend longevity of the thermal barrier coating by an 不透水的氮化硅层." 美国陶瓷学会杂志 106, no. 10 (2023): 6221-6229.
  2. Bakkar, S, Thapliyal, S., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S. M., Brennan, R. E., Young, M. L., 多孔B的各向异性控制4磁场辅助冷冻铸造的C型结构.” 陶瓷国际 (2021)
  3. Bakkar, Said, Michael Wall, Nicholas Ku, Diana Berman, Samir M. 雷蒙德·奥瓦迪. Brennan, and Marcus L. Young “Al/Al2O3 Metal Matrix Composites Produced Using Magnetic Field-Assisted Freeze Casting of Porous 陶瓷结构.” 材料研究杂志 (2021年3月接受))
  4. Bakkar, Said,李志亨,尼古拉斯·顾,戴安娜·伯曼,萨米尔·M. 雷蒙德·奥瓦迪. Brennan, and Marcus L. Young. "Design of porous aluminum oxide ceramics using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting." 材料研究杂志 35 (21), 2859-2869. (2020)
  5. Bakkar, S., M. V. Pantawane, J. J. Gu, A. Ghoshal, M. Walock, M. Murugan, M. L. Young, N. Dahotre, D. Berman, and S. M. Aouadi. 激光表面改性多孔钇稳定 氧化锆抗CMAS降解." 陶瓷国际 46, no. 5 (2020): 6038-6045
  6. Aryal, Anil, Said Bakkar, Hassana Samassekou, Sudip Pandey, Igor Dubenko, Shane Stadler, Naushad Ali, and Dipanjan Mazumdar. Mn2FeSi:一种反铁磁逆heusler合金." 合金与化合物杂志 823 (2020): 153770
  7. Blackert, E., S. Bakkar, S. Briseno-Murguia, M. Kramer, J. Barclay, M. Carl, J. Smith, M. L. Young, and S. M. Aouadi. "Textured TNZT surfaces via hydrothermal treatments for bone implant applications." Thin 固体材料学报(2018):64-68
  8. El-Hilo, M. M., A. L. Al-Momnee, and S. A. Bakkar. “微粒记录介质中的轻微迟滞回线现象.应用学报 physics 91, no. 10 (2002): 8742-8744

  • 2022 48th 国际冶金涂层会议 & 薄膜(ICMCTF),圣地亚哥 2022年5月22日至27日,美国加利福尼亚州. 一种保护热障涂层的新方法 Using Air Plasma Spray (APS)/High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Coating of Si3N4
  • 2021材料科学 & Technology (MS&T21), technical meeting and exhibition, Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 17-20, 2021. “Protection of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Surface from CMAS Attack by Sacrificial Layer of Si3N4” 
  • 2021 47th 国际冶金涂层会议 & 薄膜(ICMCTF),圣地亚哥 美国加州虚拟会议,2021年4月26日至30日. 《冷冻铸造的激光加工 Yttria Stabilized Zirconia / Gadolinia Thermal Barrier Coatings to Mitigate CMAS Attack”
  • 2021 Federation of North Texas Area Universities (TAMUC, TWU, UNT) Graduate Students 虚拟研究研讨会,丹顿,德克萨斯州,美国, April 9th, 2021.利用磁场辅助冷冻铸造技术设计人工智能2O3/Al金属基复合材料.” 
  • 2020材料科学与技术&T)技术会议和展览,匹兹堡; 2020年11月4日至8日,美国宾夕法尼亚州. “Al /Al的制备与表征2O3 Ceramic Matrix Composites Produced Using Magnetic Field-Assisted Freeze Casting of 多孔陶瓷结构”
  • 2020 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), 3rd North Texas STLE Student Section Poster Symposium, University of North Texas, Denton, 2月18日,美国德克萨斯州th, 2020. “Laser Surface Modification of Porous Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Against CMAS Degradation
  • 2019材料科学与技术&T)技术会议及展览会,波特兰; 美国俄勒冈州,2019年9月29日- 10月3日”Surface Modification of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings Produced 冷冻铸造” (Oral)
  • 2018 国际冶金涂层会议s and Thin Films, San Diego, CA Apr. 23 - 27, 2018. “Highly porous scaffolds on TNZT alloys for bone implant applications.” (Oral)
  • 2018年德州沃斯堡AVS分会优化WS的生长2 激光退火.
  • 2017年APS三月会议,新奥尔良,洛城:Structural and magnetic properties of inverse Heusler compounds Mn2因为(Z = Ga,通用电气,某人)” (Poster)
  • 2016 Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA), SIUC: 新Heusler化合物的高分辨率x射线研究: April 5th, 2016

  • A principal investigator (PI) for the Fuel Rod project with collaborating with CeriumLab 在特拉华大学欧文分校获得了3万美元的资金
  • Awarded $16,746.唐纳德的03分. 考恩物理研究基金暑期指导 2022 at UD.
  • Outstanding Graduate Student at materials Science and Engineering department at University 北德州2020/2021 
  • 材料研究杂志 (JMR)审稿人.
  • 我的论文(Al/Al2O3 Metal Matrix Composites Produced Using Magnetic Field-Assisted Freeze Casting of Porous 陶瓷结构) has been selected for the cover of 材料研究杂志 (JMR) Volume 36, issue 10. 2021
  • 2nd place winner of Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) north Texas 3rd annual student paper symposium competition, Denton, TX, USA, 2020
  • 陆军研究实验室(ARL. W911NF-19-2-001)担任研究助理 2019-2021
  • 罗伯特·J·哈丁总统奖学金2019/2020丹顿大学